Casino » 2010 » October

Zimbabwe bische

Oct 24
Posted by Bryan Filed in Casino
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

La prospettiva di vivere in Zimbabwe è qualcosa di un rischio al momento, questo può far pensare che ci potrebbe essere molto poca affinità per andare a tane dello Zimbabwe gioco d'azzardo. In realtà, sembra operare il contrario, con le disperate condizioni di mercato che porta ad un desiderio più grande per giocare, per cercare di individuare una rapida vittoria, una via d'uscita ai problemi.

Per quasi tutti i cittadini sussistente sulla magri guadagni nelle vicinanze, ci sono 2 forme stabilite di gioco, la lotteria dello stato e Zimbet. Come per quasi tutto il resto del pianeta, vi è una lotteria nazionale, dove le probabilità di successo sono estremamente basse, ma poi i premi sono anche incredibilmente grande. E 'stato detto dagli economisti che guardano il concetto che la maggior parte non si acquista un biglietto, con una prospettiva reale di profitto. Zimbet si fonda su uno dei domestici o dei campionati di calcio inglese e consiste nel determinare i risultati delle partite future.

Dello Zimbabwe casinò, su l'altro piede, accudire i più ricchi dello stato e dei turisti. Fino a non molto tempo fa, c'era un grande business eccezionalmente in vacanza, fondata su safari ed escursioni a Victoria Falls. I problemi economici e conflitti associati hanno scolpito in questo mercato.

Tra le sale dello Zimbabwe gioco d'azzardo, ci sono due nella capitale, Harare, la Carribea Bay Resort and Casino, che ha cinque tavoli da gioco e uno banditi armati, e il Casinò Plumtree, che ha solo slot. Il Zambesi Valley Hotel e Entertainment Center di Kariba ha anche un solo banditi armati. Mutare contiene il Monclair Hotel e Casino e il Leopard Rock Hotel and Casino, entrambi i quali offrono giochi da tavolo, slot machine e macchine di video poker, e Victoria Falls ha Elephant Hills Hotel e Casino e la Makasa Sun Hotel and Casino, la coppia dei quali hanno macchine di video poker e blackjack, roulette, craps e tabelle.

Oltre al casinò dello Zimbabwe e la lotteria già citato e Zimbet (che è molto simile a un sistema di piscine), ci sono un totale di brani cavallo 2 corse nel paese: il Matabeleland Turf Club di Bulawayo (la città 2 °) ed il Parco Borrowdale ad Harare.

Dato che l'economia è diminuita di oltre il 40 per cento in questi ultimi anni e con la povertà associati e dei conflitti che si è venuto a passare, non si sa come sano il settore turismo che fondi dello Zimbabwe i casinò farà nel prossimo futuro. Quanti di loro porteremo a migliorare fino a quando le condizioni non solo è noto.

Simbabwe Spielhöllen

Oct 24
Posted by Bryan Filed in Casino
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Die Aussicht auf das Leben in Simbabwe ist so etwas wie eine Gefahr in dem Moment, so können Sie denken, dass es möglicherweise sehr geringe Affinität für den Gang zum Simbabwe Spielhöllen werden. In der Realität scheint es zu funktionieren anders herum, mit dem verzweifelten Marktbedingungen, die zu einer größeren Bereitschaft zu spielen, um zu versuchen, und suchen Sie einen schnellen Sieg, einen Ausweg aus den Problemen.

Für fast alle der Bürger ernährten die magere Ergebnis in der Nähe gibt es 2 etablierten Formen des Glücksspiels, der staatlichen Lotterie und Zimbet. Wie bei praktisch überall sonst auf dem Planeten gibt es eine nationale Lotterie, wo die Chancen auf Erfolg sind extrem niedrig, aber dann sind die Preise auch unglaublich groß. Es wird von Ökonomen, die auf dem Konzept, dass die meisten nicht ein Ticket mit einem echten Erwartung profitiert Blick sagte. Zimbet ist auf einer der nationalen oder der englischen Fußball-Ligen gegründet und beinhaltet die Bestimmung der Ergebnisse der kommenden Spiele.

Casinos in Simbabwe, auf der anderen Fuß, kümmern sich um die sehr reich des Staates und der Touristen. Bis vor nicht langer Zeit gab es einen außergewöhnlich großen Urlaub Geschäft, auf Safaris und Ausflüge zu den Victoria Wasserfällen gegründet. Die wirtschaftlichen Probleme und die damit verbundenen Konflikte haben in diesen Markt gehauen.

Zu Simbabwe Spielhallen gibt es zwei in der Hauptstadt Harare, die Carribea Bay Resort and Casino, das fünf Spieltischen und einarmigen Banditen hat, und die Plumtree Casino, das nur Schlitze hat. Der Zambesi Valley Hotel und Entertainment Center in Kariba hat auch nur einen einarmigen Banditen. Mutare enthält die Monclair Hotel and Casino und der Leopard Rock Hotel und Casino, die beide Tischspiele, Spielautomaten und Video Poker-Maschinen bieten, und Victoria Falls hat der Elephant Hills Hotel and Casino und die Makasa Sun Hotel and Casino, das Paar von denen Video Poker-Automaten und Black Jack, Roulette, Craps und Tabellen.

Neben Casinos in Simbabwe und den zuvor genannten Lotterie und Zimbet (was sehr wie ein Becken ist), gibt es insgesamt 2 Pferderennbahnen im ganzen Land: die Matabeleland Turf Club in Bulawayo (2. Stadt) und die Borrowdale Park in Harare.

Da die Wirtschaft um mehr als 40 Prozent in den letzten Jahren abgebaut und mit den damit verbundenen Armut und Konflikten, die sich begeben hat, ist nicht bekannt, wie gesund die Sightseeing-Industrie, welche Mittel Simbabwe Casinos in naher Zukunft tun wird. Wie viele von ihnen führen bis bis die Bedingungen zu verbessern, ist nur nicht bekannt.

tripots Zimbabwe

Oct 24
Posted by Bryan Filed in Casino
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

La perspective de vie au Zimbabwe est quelque chose d'un risque pour le moment, de sorte que vous pouvez penser qu'il pourrait y avoir très peu d'affinité pour aller à tripots du Zimbabwe. En réalité, il semble avoir servi dans l'autre sens, avec les conditions du marché désespérée conduisant à un plus grand empressement à jouer, à essayer de localiser un rapide victoire, un moyen de sortir des problèmes.

Pour presque tous les citoyens qui subsiste sur les maigres revenus à proximité, il ya 2 formes établies de jeu, la loterie nationale et Zimbet. Comme presque partout ailleurs sur la planète, il ya une loterie nationale où les chances de réussite sont extrêmement faibles, mais les prix sont également incroyablement grand. Il a été dit par les économistes qui se penchent sur le concept que la plupart ne pas acheter un billet avec une attente réelle d'en profiter. Zimbet est fondée sur l'un des domestiques ou les ligues de football anglais et consiste à déterminer les résultats des matches à venir.

casinos du Zimbabwe, sur l'autre pied, s'occuper de la très riche de l'Etat et les touristes. Jusqu'à il n'ya pas longtemps, il y avait une entreprise très grandes vacances, fondée sur les safaris et les excursions aux chutes Victoria. Les difficultés économiques et les conflits associés ont taillé dans ce marché.

Parmi les salles de jeu du Zimbabwe, il ya deux dans la capitale, Harare, la Carribea Bay Resort and Casino, qui dispose de cinq tables de jeu et un des bandits armés, et le Casino Plumtree, qui a des fentes seulement. La vallée du Zambèze Hôtel et centre de divertissement dans le lac Kariba a aussi une seule des bandits armés. Mutare contient Monclair l'Hôtel et Casino et le Léopard Rock Hôtel et Casino, qui offrent tous deux des jeux de table, un des bandits armés et de machines de vidéo poker, et Victoria Falls a l'Elephant Hills Hôtel et Casino et de la Makasa Sun Hôtel et Casino, la paire qui ont des machines de vidéo poker et le blackjack, la roulette, le craps et les tables.

En plus des casinos du Zimbabwe et de la loterie a été mentionné précédemment et Zimbet (qui ressemble beaucoup à un système de piscines), il ya un total de 2 pistes de courses de chevaux dans le pays: le Matabeleland Turf Club à Bulawayo (la 2ème ville) et le Parc de Borrowdale à Harare.

Étant donné que l'économie a diminué de plus de 40 pour cent ces dernières années et avec la pauvreté et les conflits associés qui est venu à passer, on ne sait pas comment la santé de l'industrie du tourisme qui est des fonds casinos du Zimbabwe se faire dans un proche avenir. Combien d'entre eux pour mener à bien que les conditions s'améliorent simplement pas connu.

Zimbabwe casas de juego

Oct 24
Posted by Bryan Filed in Casino
[ English ]

La perspectiva de vida en Zimbabue es una especie de riesgo en el momento, así que usted puede pensar que puede haber muy poca afinidad para ir a las casas de juego de Zimbabwe. En realidad, parece estar funcionando al revés, con las condiciones del mercado desesperada que conduce a un afán más grande para jugar, para tratar de localizar una rápida victoria, una manera de salir de los problemas.

Para casi todos los ciudadanos que subsisten con las ganancias cercanas escasos, hay dos formas establecidas de juego, la lotería del estado y Zimbet. Al igual que prácticamente en todas partes del planeta, no es una lotería nacional en donde las probabilidades de éxito son muy bajas, pero los premios son también increíblemente grande. Se ha dicho por los economistas que ven en el concepto de que la mayoría no compra un billete con una expectativa real de beneficiarse. Zimbet se basa en una de las nacionales o las ligas de fútbol Inglés y consiste en determinar los resultados de los futuros partidos.

casinos de Zimbabwe, en el otro pie, cuidar de los más ricos del estado y los turistas. Hasta no hace mucho, hubo un negocio excepcionalmente grandes vacaciones, basado en safaris y excursiones a las Cataratas Victoria. Los problemas económicos y los conflictos asociados han tallado en este mercado.

Entre las salas de juego de Zimbabwe, hay dos en la capital, Harare, la Carribea Bay Resort y Casino, que cuenta con cinco mesas de juego y máquinas tragamonedas, y el Casino de Plumtree, que tiene ranuras solamente. El Valle del Zambeze Hotel y Centro de Entretenimiento en Kariba también tiene un solo bandidos armados. Mutare contiene Monclair el Hotel y Casino y el Leopardo de Rock Hotel y Casino, dos de los cuales ofrecen juegos de mesa, máquinas tragamonedas y máquinas de video póker, y las Cataratas Victoria tiene Elephant Hills Hotel y Casino y el Hotel Makasa Sol y Casino, el par de los cuales tienen máquinas de video póquer y blackjack, ruleta, dados y tablas.

Además de los casinos de Zimbabwe y la lotería se ha mencionado anteriormente y Zimbet (que se parece mucho a un sistema de piscinas), hay un total de 2 pistas de carreras de caballos en el país: el Turf Club Matabeleland en Bulawayo (la 2 ª ciudad) y el Parque Borrowdale en Harare.

Dado que la economía ha disminuido en más del 40 por ciento en los últimos años y asociado con la pobreza y el conflicto que ha llegado a pasar, no se sabe qué tan saludable es la industria de turismo que los fondos de los casinos de Zimbabue va a hacer en el futuro próximo. ¿Cuántos de ellos llevar a cabo hasta que mejoren las condiciones es no sólo conocida.

Free Gambling Hall Gaming Provides All the Thrills of Vegas

Oct 8
Posted by Bryan Filed in Casino
[ English ]

Are you one of those people today who consider it is impossible to find a free of charge gambling house? Do you think absolutely free casino gaming is just a myth? Have you heard rumors of their existence, but have yet to uncover one? Well if you’ve a pc with online access, you may wager on at a free betting house.

The absolutely free gambling den gaming sights have gained momentum in popularity. There are lots of no cost betting house sights available. All you have to do is go on the net and pick which web page you would like to bet on at. Numerous websites boast having realistic Las vegas themed games with sound and stunning graphics. You do have to produce positive your computer system can support the downloads for these games, however. Most as much as date computers can do so.

The no cost betting house web sites present various games. These consist of: poker, Texas hold em, video slot machine games, twenty-one, keno, craps, roulette, pai gow, let it ride, and quite a few others. A number of no cost gambling house sights even present less conventional games that are not discovered at casinos, such as: bingo and blackout bingo. Numerous of these free gambling house sites also have multiplayer games and free of cost chat rooms. This dramatically increases the gaming experience and it makes it more entertaining to chat with other players. You’ll be able to even share suggestions and tricks with each other.

Most absolutely free betting house websites are just for fun. But numerous free of cost casino internet sites also offer no cost contests and raffles. Some also have points that you gain although you wager on or win a game. These factors may be redeemed for prizes or for contest entries. The odds of succeeding vary on the amount of individuals in the raffle. The prizes offered are typically pretty good. All of this is offered totally no cost to you.

Be mindful that you will discover some no cost betting house sites that aren’t exactly free. These so referred to as free of cost gambling den sites require you to produce a deposit by credit card to be able to play. They then match your deposit with free money to gamble with in addition to the money you just deposited. The decision to use one of these gambling establishments is entirely up to you. Be mindful that you simply must enter you credit card information on the web site so be sure that they guarantee a safe and secure transaction.

Las vegas is excellent, but this is no cost! It is nice to know that you just can play at a free of cost betting house without so much as leaving your home. You don’t even ought to receive out of your seat. When you ever plan on going to a true gambling den, you are able to use a free of cost gambling house to give you a few insight of the actual gaming and wagering experience. This way you obtain a few excellent pointers, devoid of losing any of the difficult earned cash!

Leading Web Based Gambling Establishments

Oct 6
Posted by Bryan Filed in Casino
[ English ]

It never ends to amaze me as to what kinds of things are now able to be done on the net. You can order pizza online, do all of your shopping, work, and plan vacations. You are able to do all of this, and tons a lot more, without ever leaving the comforts of one’s personal home. So, it really should not have surprised me when a number of years ago, on line gambling dens became popular. What does shock me, and should not, is that there are numerous men and women who now earn their living from internet based gambling dens and wagering. I’m guessing that they’re not paying taxes on their winnings. Perhaps so. I’m not going to make any judgments.

Suddenly, it seems that net casinos have develop into a very common trend in the world. Men and women from all corners of the globe might be betting poker against one another at any given time. Non-existence slot machines are giving payouts and taking money twenty-four hours a day. A number of big jackpots have been won, or so they say, except I wouldn’t have wager any of my personal money on it. Nevertheless, one boring afternoon, I decided to determine what all of the hype was about. I did some investigating of several on line casinos to see what existed, and ended up putting twenty dollars into one that seemed like it was reputable and had a number of interesting slot machines. I definitely am not about to participate in any table games – my money would be gone too fast and I’d surely lose. I preferred to spend my $20 making tiny five cents wagers on the slots. At 1st, I made tiny wins, and would lose. Then I’d win a handful of dollars, squeal, and shed it again. Suddenly, I observed a slot machine that offered bonus rounds and ended up succeeding 250 dollars on a one and a half dollar wager. I sat there with my mouth a gape in complete disbelief. After coming to my senses, I cashed out and quit. 5 days later, the money was in my bank. I then knew that it wasn’t a scam – I would located one of the web gambling dens that actually did pay the winnings.

I can not say that my pure luck of succeeding in an on line gambling den makes me a supporter of them. Actually, I truly believe that if you depend on web based betting to generate your residing or entertain your self, then you will need a life. Now, if it truly is something to do every so usually and does not develop into a habit, then have a blast. Perhaps you will end up winning a jackpot. Maybe not. It truly is all about being lucky.